
All posts from 'News' category

There it is! The production of ProSieben – Galileo Deutschland. It tells Markus’ and Marie’s story from 2018 to today. Thank you Galileo for producing this story with all those beautiful pictures from Baumkuchenfarm. Jetzt ist er fertig – ein kleiner Film von ProSieben – Galileo über Markus und Marie und die Baumkuchenfarm. Es ist […]

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Markus reading about the birth of Baumkuchenfarm. Many thanks to Debora Kuder and Sarina Pfauth for sharing our story. The book finally arrived in Hawaii (from Germany).“Die Kunst des Neuanfangs” – great book! Different stories about courage and new beginnings. One chapter about the beginnings of Baumkuchenfarm. We really enjoyed reading all these inspiring stories. ♥️

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