
New publication about Baumkuchenfarm in German TV RTL Watch it now: Published: March 4th 2025 in the program RTL “Punkt [...]

New publication about Baumkuchenfarm in the AAA Explorer MagazineHawai’i Members Edition, Triple A. Mauka to Makai. There’s a lot of [...]

There it is! The production of ProSieben – Galileo Deutschland. It tells Markus’ and Marie’s story from 2018 to today. [...]

Markus reading about the birth of Baumkuchenfarm. Many thanks to Debora Kuder and Sarina Pfauth for sharing our story. The book finally [...]

Mahalo MATOKA for telling the world about us! Link: The SECRET Hawaiian Farm That Makes Japanese German Cakes | Baumkuchen [...]

Thank you so much to Eheu (In-flight magazine for Japan Airlines JAL) for reporting about Baumkuchenfarm in the current issue [...]

Thank you so much to Hawai’i Magazine for reporting about Baumkuchenfarm in the current issue fall 2022! Link: Online: [...]

Link: Published 08/16/2022 in Honolulu Magazine Title: How Small Explorers Can Discover Hawai‘i, the Big Island. Follow this family-friendly [...]

Link: Published 07/15/2022 in Fuji TV Title: Popup! Hawaii specialist recommends Top 6 Hawaii products. Author: Sae Miyamoto Link only with [...]
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